
The Hills are Alive...Heart of America Marathon Race Report

NOT with the sound of music. But instead with a demonic desire to kick your butt up and down those babies. Whew...hot, humid and hilly just about says it all.

Doug and I headed down Sunday afternoon to Columbia, MO. It's an easy 2 hours drive from where we live. Home of the MU Tigers, Doug's favorite college team. We arrive in town and head straight to packet pick up. And that exactly what it was-packet pickup-nothing else. Then we drove the marathon course. Funny how when you're in the car the hills don't seem quite as daunting. We knew there were going to be some doozies as Doug has run this marathon before and just driving some of those hills made your cringe. But once you're climbing those babies on foot, one after the other, the car ride never does it justice.

We did some running around Sunday night after packet pick up. We ate dinner at Willy's and then headed back to the hotel for a 4:00 am wake up call for Monday. The race ended right in front of our hotel so we decided we would walk to the start (about a mile and a half from the hotel). About mile 18, I was wishing I had that mile and a half under my belt to count for my marathon.

The marathon started at 6:00 am and by the time we hit mile 2, we were drenched. It was so humid and sticky out. We knew we were in for a long day. We took our time, took plenty of walk breaks and did what we could for what the weather brought us.

It was a tough course. There were about 5 major hills and multitudes of rollers and other hills too numerous to mention.

Not too much to say about this marathon. Not very eventful. It was very small. I think just over 120ish maybe. Hot...humid...hilly...sunny...hot....humid. Probably one I will not be putting on my list of ones to do again. The medal sucked. The shirt is ick. But I did get another state and marathon under my belt. I'm glad I did it but glad it's over.

I'll be making sure we have some big big plans for Labor Day Weekend next year!


  1. Congratulations. When you posted that you were going to run, I went to Marathon Guide to read about it (small part of me went, marathon?!! where?!! :) ), and it is rated as being very tough, so you should be very proud that you ran it in this stinking heat and humidity. Well done!!

  2. Way to go you two! Yes, the bling is Very Important!!

    It's crazy hot & humid here today, hey, next year, half iron...Ottawa...think about it!! LOL..
    (but their bling & shirts suck too)

  3. I liked the medal! I liked it so much, I wore it to lunch. Bill Clark (http://ctc.coin.org/hoa/book/aboutbill.html) happened to be eating at the same place and came up and introduced himself.

  4. Hugh...glad you liked your medal and glad you got the chance to meet Bill Clark-sounds like fun.

    With the $25 entry fee, I shouldn't complain much about anything. It's a low budget gig and I understand that. I tend to be a medal whore and like my bling purdy. I'll take it (and I did!) and hang it with the others. It just won't be the one I pull out and say, 'check this baby out!'. Finishing is finishing! Just some are better than others.

  5. Nice job! It almost means more to finish the sucky ones... I mean finishing a marathon with an awesome course, lots of support and fabulous bling is one thing.. but finishing a hot, humid, hilly, sucky one means you're a REAL runner. You rock and you're ready for the next challenge!
