
Gotta Lotta Nuthin'

Been up to a whole lotta nuthin' lately.
I'm trying to let this darn tendon heal in my ankle.
It's an overuse injury from the back half of last year.
Hence, only being able to run (okay...get through) half marathons in Bermuda and Miami this past January.

This year I wanted to focus on really training, but thus far, haven't done any training to speak of.
I have been on the bike, but even then, I'm able to feel my tendon.
I've practiced some yoga. And wonder why I ever get away from it.
Finally took my butt to the chiropractor, so hopefully he's aligned me to help this ankle heal easier and faster.

We just signed up for the Coeur d' Alene Marathon for the end of May. It's supposed to be absolutely beautiful. Now I just need to get healthy to get out and start running and biking.

Here's to some healthy healing and training to come, then hopefully, a Whole Lotta Sumthin'!


Welcome to Miami

Last week Doug and I headed to Miami to visit Amanda and run the Miami Marathon and Half Marathon. Doug ran the full. I ran the half.

First and foremost, Amanda was the best host ever. Thanks Amanda! We love you and David for having us as guests and showing us a great time.
Here are some pictures of our visit:

Miami in the evening as we took a walk...

Doug and I got up the next day to see the sunrise. We were able to see the dolphins out playing in the water as well. What a great way to start the day.

So...later in the day we headed to the expo. There are 4 of us, and we all know how crazy it can be keeping track of everyone at a huge expo. All of us were together...except Doug. I look around and look around and then finally found him bent down in front of some girl at an expo booth. AND she rubbing lotion on his head. What?! Okay...Well...the word on the street was she had talked him into putting an advertisement on the back of his head. Goof!

Warming up...
Then we headed down to Lincoln Road where we indulged on fabulous pretzels with sunflower seeds, chocolate dipped strawberry kabobs, yummy pizza and frozen yogurt. What a way to load up for race day!
Hanging out on the beach...
Our fabulous hosts...
The race was nice with awesome medals at the finish. The day brought us overcast skies and humidity which we were thankful for. The overcast kept the warm sun from baking us too much. We ran through a lot of nice areas and ran down the South Beach area where I experiences two transvestites cheering on the crowd. One was in leather and lace, the other in a red leotard and high heels. Both were taking turns yelling through the megaphone. What a sight!
Maimi-January 2011...Amanda...can we book that far in advance?