
Thus Far...

It's been a great trip. As always.
  • Got in nice and early yesterday.
  • Hit the expo with it still halfway quiet and not jammed packed.
  • Ended up with 7 new dri-fit shirts already (1 for the half marathon, 1 for the marathon and 1 for Goofy times 2 plus Doug signed for the the marathon before he signed up for Goofy so he went and grabbed another marathon shirt as well). Definitely need more hangers when we return.
  • Met up with some friends for dinner last night at Downtown Disney and dined by the water. The moon was full. The stars were shining. And we watched fireworks as we ate.
  • Ended up at Ghirardelli Chocolate. Twice. Already. Had to get some drinking chocolate. Not quite as good as Christopher Elbow's...but will do.
  • Found Selma's cookies. I can spot those babies anywhere. I LOVE Selma's.
  • Went for a short run this morning around the lake. The fog was burning off and the sun is starting to shine. Tons of ducks on the pond and the birds are chirping...loud little suckers.
  • Had to smile when I stepped out of the hotel room and there were kids already in the pool at 7:00 am.
  • Love the curtains here. They split the rod in half and placed one in front of the other. So when you close the curtains-they actually overlap so you don't have that sliver of light that always seems to come through cuz you can't get the curtains shut all the way.
  • Time for some coffee, a shower, tossing on some shorts and flip flops and heading out. No particular plans...may first down some chocolate chip pancakes or a Mickey waffle, probably hit the pool later and just enjoy the beautiful day.

Happy Friday from Florida!


  1. oh no sliver of light for complete darkness and total sleeping in...ahhh. Mickey waffle, man I'm jealous

  2. Looks like you are off to a great start. Have lots of fun. Can't wait to read your race report.

  3. We're expecting another round of wintry winter here in the Great North! Have fun and remember that I'm jealous!

  4. Wow, nice weather there! :) Have fun and enjoy your time there!
